Ymddarostyngwn i Dduw Iôr

(A wnaed ar ddydd y diolwch cyffredinol
am edfryd Heddwch 1815 - Rhan II)
Ymddarostyngwn i Dduw Iôr
Sy'n llywodraethu tir a môr,
  Mae ei freniniaeth dan y nef
  Yn ol llesâd ei 'wyllys ef.

O profwn, gwelwn, ddäed yw!
Ei fys a ddengys fe sy Dduw;
  Mae'n D'wysog hedd
      a Brenin mawr
  Da ar luoedd daear lawr.

Y cleddyf rhoes a'r wayw ffon
I orphyws oddi ger ein bron,
  Ein gelyn ffrwynodd, codwn lef
  I ddiolch am ei ofal ef.

Duw Iôn â'i law
    sy'n tynu i lawr,
Ac yn derchafu i fyny'n fawr;
  Mae ar freninoedd byd yn Ben,
  I'w enw y byddo mawl, Amen.
Robert Davies (Bardd Nantglyn) 1769-1835
Diliau Barddas 1827

[Mesur: MH 8888]

gwelir: Rhan I - O crea Arglwydd galon lân

(Composed on the day of general thanksgiving
for the restoration of Peace 1815 - Part 2)
Let us humble ourselves before God the Lord
Who is governing land and sea,
  His kingship under heaven is
  According to the furtherance of his will.

O let us prove, let us see, how good he is!
His finger shows that he is God;
  He is the Prince of peace
      and a great, good
  King, over the hosts of earth below.

The sword he put, and the spear,
To rest away from before us,
  Our enemy he reined, let us raise a cry
  To give thanks for his care.

God the Lord with his hand
    is bringing down,
And raising up greatly;
  He is Head over the kings of the world
  To his name be praise, Amen.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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